Uci peer tutoring chem 1a
Uci peer tutoring chem 1a

Students needing accommodations can seek assistance from the Disabilities Services Center at or (949) 824-7494 or from the Title IX Office (the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity) at or (949) 824-5594. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy will be excused for as long as deemed medically necessary by a student’s doctor and students will be given the opportunity to make up missed work. UC Irvine does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. Chem 177L: $75 per student (collected by Pharmaceutical Sciences).Chem 133L (formerly Chem 170): $50 per student.The following classes have a laboratory fee:


Directions on how to purchase lab supplies can be found on the Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Undergraduate Chemistry Labs flyer. Please refer to the course syllabus for specific PPE requirements.If you are enrolled in a Chemistry Laboratory after week 1 you will be charged a lab fee and are responsible for paying the fee. Chemistry laboratory fees are non-ref29dable.Please note this deadline is earlier than the School of Physical Sciences week 2 deadline. Students will not be able to add or drop a Chemistry laboratory after week 1.If you are not enrolled in all parts of a course you will be dropped from the class or receive a NR for the portion of the course you are enrolled in. Please check the schedule of classes and your class schedule to ensure you are enrolled in all parts of a course. Many Chemistry classes require concurrent enrollment in a Lecture, Discussion and/or Laboratory. Please note repeat policies are different for Summer Session, please see Summer Session Policies for details. Once the repeat restriction is lifted you are able to enroll in Chem 1C (without Chem 1LC) in Fall. For example, if you took Chem 1C/1LC in spring at UCI and did not pass Chem 1C and passed Chem 1LC.Webreg recognizes when you have satisfied the co-requisite if the passing grade is on your UCI transcript. No authorization is required if you need to retake one component of a course. Winter 2021 quarter: Monday, January 3 by 12:00pm.Repeat restrictions will be lifted on the following dates: Students interested in repeating a Chemistry class will be restricted from enrolling. If you satisfied your prerequisites at another institution, please email with your UCI NetID and any necessary transcipt. If you don't meet the prerequisites for a chemistry course, you will be dropped from the course by the Chemistry Department. Fall 2021: New only status will be lifted on Friday, September 3 by 12:00pm.The number of class seats reserved for new students only. Spring 2022: Major restrictions will be lifted on TBD.Winter 2022: Major restrictions will be lifted on Monday, December 20 by 12:00pm.

uci peer tutoring chem 1a

  • Fall 2021: Major restrictions will be lifted on Monday, September 20 by 12:00pm.
  • The following Fall 2021 Chemistry classes are initially restricted to Chemistry majors: 1A, 1X, 1LD, M2A, M2LA, 51A, M52LA, 132A ,152 Many Chemistry courses are initially restricted to the following majors: Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Nursing Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Science, Public Health Sciences, and Undecided/Undeclared.

    uci peer tutoring chem 1a

    The deadline to add/drop non-lab Chemistry courses is the end of Week 2 by 5:00PM. See additional Chemistry lab policies below. Please note this is earlier than the School of Physical Sciences deadline. The deadline to add/drop/change Chemistry lab courses is Week 1 by 5:00PM.

  • Anteater Network (Digital mentorship platform for the UCI community).
  • Information regarding UCI's student equipment loan program.
  • Information regarding UCI's minimum computing requirments.
  • Employer Application for the UCI Chemistry Field Studies Program.
  • Application for the UCI Chemistry Field Studies Program.

  • Uci peer tutoring chem 1a